With Highwire, safety professionals have the reports, trends and insights they need to continuously reduce risk thorugh comprehensive incident tracking.
Traditional incident reporting may meet basic requirements but requires extensive manual analysis. Safety leaders need quick access to field data and incident analytics to prevent incidents and reduce risk.
With Highwire, you can:
Identify emerging incident trends
Use data to drive continuous improvement
Deliver executive analytics & reports
Reduce safety incidents

A complete incidents solution
Incident Reports
Incident Investigations
Photo & Video Collection
Witness Statements
Real-Time Incident Rates
SIF-Potential Tracking
Near-Miss Reporting
Work Hours Collection
Project Comparison Reports
Injured Worker Tracking
Collaborative Investigations
Corrective Action Plans
Request a demo to see Highwire Incidents in action.

The data I populate from Highwire helps us prevent future incidents that could be potentially catastrophic. Those incidents could have an effect on brand reputation, or they could lead to somebody becoming hurt. Using Highwire, I'm better prepared to prevent those serious incidents from occurring.