Rapid capacity growth.
Five-nines uptime.
No room for errors.

Using Highwire, the world’s leading data center companies are rapidly expanding capacity and ensuring uptime by mitigating contractor risk.

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With Highwire, data center companies can:

  • Avoid costly defaults and project delays

  • Monitor quality to avoid unplanned downtime

  • Ensure labor and regulatory compliance

  • Enter new markets with qualified contractors

  • Build a reputation for safe, on-time projects

  • Improve collaboration with primes and subs

Data center companies delivering Contractor Success

The data center industry is moving at an incredible pace, with no room for delays or downtime. With Highwire, we can be confident that our contractors have the experience, financial strength and capacity to deliver. Highwire gives us the insights we need to help contractors reduce risk and continue to meet our viability and safety standards.

Benjamin Huelle
Sr. Procurement Specialist
Learn how Google uses Highwire

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